Use compassion
and love
When it is said that we must love through deeds and in the truth, it is true. It's not a question of just saying "Lord, Lord," but of really taking action: expressing love through deeds, but also in the truth; that's the vital thing!
Brotherhood of Jesus Retreat, 08/79, First course

Take pity on those who suffer: “suffer with” them, as Jesus did, with an attentive heart: Pierre Goursat had a deep love for the poor and an attitude of compassion towards those who were fragile.
“Ask the Lord to increase our faith, to give us charity and loving compassion for each other,” he would say.
In the image of Pierre Goursat, we too can become conscious of the suffering around us; through adoration we can open our heart to compassion; with humility we can comfort those who suffer, and encounter Christ in the poor.
Love one another! And to love one another, reach out to the most unfortunate, the poorest, those most in need.
"From Prayer Group to Community" symposium, Paray sessions 5-9/07/79
They share
Asking for compassion
Sometimes we feel that our hearts are hard, and we are insensitive to other people's problems. We do not always have the grace of compassion: it's something that is given to us. So we can ask for it, in the certainty that God will hear us.
Letting compassion transform us
We can practise compassion with all the people we meet – at work, in our families, and so on. God's love then works through us and transforms us in the process. As Pierre Goursat said, "It melts us."
Loving through acts
and in truth
When we feel compassion, we feel impelled to do something for the other person. So it's not running away; it's commitment.
The salvation of souls
St. Dominic used to spend his nights asking "Lord, what will become of sinners?" We should readily pray for those who do not know God, who are far away from Him: they need our prayers. And there are so many people to pray for that we will never be bored while praying!
But there are also moments when the Lord says to you: "But my poor old thing, you absolutely must pray for such and such a soul; you must pray for so and so who is suffering, and for all this terrible pain. And that puts Him in the depths of our heart. And the hour or hours spent praying pass quickly because we are with the Lord. We say: "Jesus, I am praying for such and such a soul." There is an intense love within us that transforms us.
Brotherhood of Jesus Retreat, Paray, summer 83. Course, 24/07/83
But there are also moments when the Lord says to you: "But my poor old thing, you absolutely must pray for such and such a soul; you must pray for so and so who is suffering, and for all this terrible pain. And that puts Him in the depths of our heart. And the hour or hours spent praying pass quickly because we are with the Lord. We say: "Jesus, I am praying for such and such a soul." There is an intense love within us that transforms us.
Brotherhood of Jesus Retreat, Paray, summer 83. Course, 24/07/83