Joining the school of the Heart of Jesus and Mary
The way of the Lord is simply Jesus, gentle and humble of heart. It's an extraordinary way. If we are meek and truly humble, He will quietly penetrate our hearts. And we will receive streams of the living water of compassion. And we will be transported to eternal life.
Brotherhood of Jesus Retreat, 30&31/12/77

Pierre Goursat discovered the Heart of Jesus and regarded it as the source of God’s love. He was forever inviting us to enter into the Heart of Jesus, burning with the love of Christ, to learn from him who is “gentle and humble” of heart.
Similarly, his love for Mother Mary “model of purity and humility” was a pillar of his life.
For Pierre Goursat, the Heart of Jesus and the Heart of Mary are intimately united, to the point of forming one heart. With Pierre, we enter into this mystery of the Immaculate Heart of Mary united to the Heart of Jesus, to learn from these two hearts and discover the priceless treasure therein.
We are at Paray-le-Monial, close to the Heart of Jesus, and this is truly where we should ask and implore to have the charisma of charismas, that power of the Holy Spirit: that's loving kindness. This is really where the Lord must set our hearts on fire.
Meeting in French-speaking Africa, Paray-le-Monial 12-16/07/79
They share
A humble and gentle heart
God wants to change our stony hearts and give us His humble and gentle Heart. Let us be moved by the gentleness and humility of Jesus, always turned towards his Father.
A Heart burning with love
As we enter more and more into the Heart of Jesus, we gradually come to be more relaxed, confident and filled with the fire of his Love.
Mary our Mother
On the Cross, Jesus entrusted St John to Mary, his mother. Since then, she has been the mother of us all. She gives birth to us, leads us and protects us. Give yourself to Mary, and she will lead you to her Son.
In Paray-le-Monial, Jesus appeared to Saint Margaret Mary showing her His Heart burning with love. Since then, Paray has been a special place of grace, love and peace. Come to Paray to receive this grace.
We who are brothers of Jesus become like Mary's little children. This gives us the grace of surrender, like a child in Mary's care. Because Mary receives us as a mother, she receives us like the offspring of her womb. We must live in a state of surrender, like little children.
We who are brothers of Jesus become like Mary's little children. This gives us the grace of surrender, like a child in Mary's care. Because Mary receives us as a mother, she receives us like the offspring of her womb. We must live in a state of surrender, like little children.